Why be a trustee?
In a typical month 58% of British adults make a charitable donation, so it's more than likely you've given to a charity in the last month. But, have you considered giving your time and [...]
What is Trustees Indemnity?
As we celebrate Trustees Week, it seems to be a sensible time to look at how trustees can use insurance as a way to protect themselves against some of the risks they face when taking [...]
How to stay sane in an insane world
One in every four people endure mental health problems, and an estimated 70 million working days are lost due to mental health in the UK each year. This morning, on National Stress Awareness Day, I attended [...]
Is self-employment right for you?
To mark our business' 6th month anniversary, Richard and I wrote a blog where we reviewed our journey so far, and what we'd learned. The Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (IOEE) picked up on it [...]
Managing risks to staff in hostile or difficult environments
I recently attended an IHRR seminar given by Andy Davis of Trident Manor Ltd, a specialist risk management consultancy, on the topic of managing risks to staff in hostile or difficult environments. There were some [...]
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Because breast cancer is the most common cancer among British women, and since the earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of beating it, it is really [...]